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Fully responsive, multi-page marketing website for a photo-sharing app. I used HTML5, CSS Grid and SASS/SCSS for styling, as well as TypeScript for the areas that required interactivity, such as the toggling of the mobile navigation.

REST Countries API

A TypeScript based single-page application built in React using Hooks, React Router, React Testing Library and Jest. I used Styled Components for the styling, as well as Axios to fetch the data from a RESTful 3rd party API.


A fully responsive multi-page website built to the original design system. I focused on writing semantic HTML, whilst using SASS/SCSS, Grid, Flexbox and CSS custom properties for the layout. Font Awesome's CDN was used for the social icons, and TypeScript for the client-side validation in the contact form.


A single-page timer application that allows the user to set a timer and visually see the remaining progress via a circular bar. Built in React using TypeScript, functional components, React's Context API, Styled Components, as well as making use of Reducers for state management and a mobile-first approach.

Interested in doing a project together?

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